Whiskey from Fresh Corn vs Dried Corn

Corn for other whiskies is left to dry on the stalk, losing all its sugars, then gets reconstituted for fermentation by cooking it in hot water to convert the starches back into sugar
Corn Whiskey Re-imagined
THE OLD WAY: Yellow Dent field corn, the same corn used for ethanol and hog feed, is harvested and shelled when the small hard kernels corn have completely dried on the cob.
More on making whiskey from dried corn. here >
It’s the same corn used for ethanol and hog feed. It can make good whiskey: Jack Daniels is 80% from dried corn. But we wanted to make absolutely wonderful corn whiskey, so we worked with fresh-picked white corn, the same corn you buy at the grocer’s to eat at home.

UP TO DATE: Devin Cain has developed a way to make whiskey from fresh corn. It’s not easy: it took him four years.
More on making whiskey from dried corn. more info >
Elegant, rich in flavor, incredibly smooth, easy to drink.