The best thing about FIRELIT is that it tastes like really good coffee, as if you had poured a shot of excellent brandy into an after-dinner cup of good espresso.
Ingredients and care means FIRELIT doesn’t need the massive amounts of sugar used in commercial coffee liqueurs. Makes stuff like Kahlua taste like candy.
“Sublimely executed”
– SF Chronicle
Also listed below is the limited F-80, tiny infused rum batches made using a second cold-brew of beans used for a FIRELIT
FIRELIT is perfect consumed neat, or over ice, but its rich flavor and low sugar content (Kahlua is o39.3% sugar!) radically improves your favorite coffee cocktail.

“All the nuance and glory of fine coffee”
– SF Bay Guardian
FIRELIT batch 13 Burundi Shamba arabica “Bourbon” from the Terimbero women’s cooperative in Kirundu and Muiyinga provinces. Burundi Shamba is well-known in Europe for its floral and deep-fruit richness. The batch was roasted by Brooklyn’s well known Café Grumpy. 40% abv. $45 video
FIRELIT batch 14 ”Yellow Bourbon” from the Fazenda Sertaozinho in Minas Gerais, Brazil. Minas Gerais consistently produces sone of Brazil’s finest coffees. Citric and sweet. The batch was roasted by Caje Coffee Roasters in Santa Barbara, CA. 30% abv. $45 video
F-80 currently from the Burundi Shamba beans used to make Batch 13. The second brew is a bit heavier and more intense, so F-80 is blended with rum. Intense. A bartender favorite at 1 A,M, Scarce. 40% abv. $38 video
FIRELIT batch 15 Sumatra Mandheling from Lake Toba, Sumatra. The batch was roasted by Rêve Coffee Roasters in Lafayette, Louisiana. 30% abv. $45 video