preserving the culture that distills great spirits from the wondrous agave

Visiting Alberto Ortiz
COMUNIDAD Bramaderos is hand-distilled by Alberto “Don Beto” Ortiz.

Don Beto’s destilería is located near Bramaderos (pop. 558) in Miahuatlan, about two hours south of Oaxaca City. The altitude is some 3300 feet.

Miahuatlan is open, with rolling hills and shaley ferriferous soils. It is well known for distillation of semi-wild Karwinskii agaves.
Don Beto’s tinas (fermentation tanks).

The mazos, mallets used to crush the roasted agaves for fermentation. It takes 3 men eight hours to crush enough to fill a tina.
Maturing madrecuishe, one of the agaves of the Karwinskii family. Its high acids give structure and definition to many of Don Beto’s distillates.