A web journal about craft methods of distillation
Editors: Will Hodges & Ansley Coale
Tech Note: Tasting the First Distillation Run of Mezcal
Tech Note: Tasting the First Distillation Run of Mezcal
Tech Notes: Distilling with Agave Solids
Tech Notes: Distilling with Agave Solids
Tech Notes: Including Solids in Mezcal Distillation
Tech Notes: Including Solids in Mezcal Distillation
Tech Note: Interview with Hector Vasquez about Mezcal Distillation Cuts
Tech Note: Interview with Hector Vasquez about Mezcal Distillation Cuts
Tech Note: Putting the Top on a Potstill
Tech Note: Putting the Top on a Potstill
Tech Note: Organizing Fermentation at Los Danzantes
Tech Note: Organizing Fermentation at Los Danzantes
Tech Note: Interview with Héctor Vasquez on Yeast Inoculation
Tech Note: Interview with Héctor Vasquez on Yeast Inoculation
Fermentation with native yeasts is tricky. This is Hector Vasquez on inoculating the must with yeast collected from previous
fermentations, this to get complete and consistent fermentation. This is a great example of Los Danzantes’ work on improving ancestral methods. There’s a lot of info on agave fermentation at http://www.ianchadwick.com/tequila/fermentation.htm
Tech Note: Remixing Fermenting Agave
Tech Note: Remixing Fermenting Agave
Tech Note: Modern Stone Mill
Tech Note: Modern Stone Mill
Tech Note: Héctor Vasquez on Field Tests of Stone Mills vs. Shredders
Tech Note: Héctor Vasquez on Field Tests of Stone Mills vs. Shredders
Tech Note: Why Stone Milling Yields Better Mezcal
Tech Note: Why Stone Milling Yields Better Mezcal
Agronomist Luis Mendez, who works out of Sola de Vega, explains that when a stone mill is used to crush roast agaves, the crushing is uneven, leaves larger pieces of the solids, and preserves all the liquids.
Yeasts like nooks and crannies to inhabit, and they like the sugars in the liquids, so the fermentation is longer and more complete, yielding richer and more complex distillations. He says that pulping by hand with mallets in a canoa is even better.
This in comparison to mechanical shredders, what most industrial tequila producers use.
Shredding loses a lot of liquid, so the shredder is adding water, diluting what ends up in the still. Tequila producers also remove the agave solids before distilling. These are two of the reasons that good artisan mezcal is richer and more complex than 99% of present-day tequilas.