BARREL-AGED COCKTAILS. Classic cocktails made from craft-method spirits in the Germain-Robin brandy cellars. Blended and aged by the distillers of the components. A person making a distilled spirit by hand gets to know that spirit very well: the contribution of each ingredient, the spirit’s flavors & aromas, how the spirit ages in an oak barrel. Recipes take months to develop: experimenting with blends, aging them, making tiny adjustments, trying to imagine what further aging would create…

Rye Manhattan
1-Liter on premise/200 ml off premise – Rich mix of Low Gap award-winning Rye whiskey and Andy Quady’s Vya sweet vermouth. Contains no bitters. (32.7% abv)

Dry Martini
1-Liter on premise/200 ml off premise – Unreal how much better a martini gets when it has married for 6 weeks. Elegant mix of Russell Henry London Dry gin and Andy Quady’s Vya Extra Dry vermouth. Contains no bitters. (40% abv)

The 1850
1-Liter on premise/200 ml off premise – The Fluid Dynamics version of the classic Sazerac: Germain-Robin brandy, Low Gap whiskey, and a touch of Germain-Robin absinthe. Add your own dash of bitters. (32.7% abv)