A supern craft-method coffee liqueur. FIRELIT was founded in 2009 by Jeff Kessinger, who developed the original cold brew coffee liqueur formula with the help of James Freeman of Blue Bottle Coffee Co. Each batch, some 1300 bottles only, is cold-brewed from specified single-origin 100% arabica beans, roasted by gifted regional coffee houses. FIRELIT beautifully preserves the rich & complex flavors & aromas of great coffee.
Kessinger has worked with several distilleries, and is now located in the former Germain-Robin distillery in Mendocino County.

FIRELIT Batch 14
“Yellow Bourbon” from the Fazenda Sertaozinho in Minas Gerais, Brazil. Minas Gerais consistently produces sone of Brazil’s finest coffees. Citric and sweet. The batch was roasted by Caje Coffee Roasters in Santa Barbara, CA.
30% abv. RSP $45

F-80 (limited)
2nd cold-brew from beans used for a Firelit batch. Such coffee is a bit heavier and more intense, so F-80 is blended with rum. Intense.
40% abv. RSP $38